play_arrow Aligning your values with your business | Why does it matter? Serenity Now For Entrepreneurs Does your organization align with your values? Have you considered what your company’s purpose really is? Donna Cheung Co-Founder of Wakefield Agency, found that working with value-driven organizations fulfilled her need to stay aligned with her own values and have a purpose in her work. On this episode of Serenity Now, the sisters and Donna discuss what a B Corp looks like, what values and alignment can mean to your business, the platinum rule, and much more. Going to work can be rewarding, but […]
play_arrow Fraud Prevention Strategies from An Expert Banker Serenity Now For Entrepreneurs 33% of all business failures or bankruptcies are due to theft and/or fraud. With over 36 years at TD Bank, Mary Vellani has seen it all and shares eye-opening fraud information and prevention with the Serenity Now Sisters. On this latest episode of Serenity Now, Mary discusses why the use of cheques should be re-considered, the safest ways to transfer funds of all amounts, the importance of having access to a commercial accounting platform (while avoiding internal fraud), and much more. If account reconciliation isn’t part of your […]
play_arrow When to call your accountant! Serenity Now For Entrepreneurs Are you aware of all the ways an accountant can help your business? Do you maximize the services your accountant provides? In this episode of Serenity Now, the sisters discuss how an accountant can provide guidance in ways you may of not have considered, when you should be contacting an accountant (or when it’s too late), how to choose the right accountant, and so much more. This episode will get you dialling your accountant….or rapidly searching for one. Don’t miss it.
play_arrow When Clients Don’t Pay Serenity Now For Entrepreneurs Have you ever had difficulty collecting money owed for your work? Perhaps your client has forgotten to pay you… or worse, chosen not to? This happens way too often and our panel has seen it all. On the latest episode of Serenity Now, the sisters share stories from their experiences with overdue receivables and discuss how they’ve proactively avoided poor payment practices. Listen in to learn preventative measures to stop you from getting forgotten on payment day, tactics to support timely payment, the power that relationships hold at invoice time, and […]
Starting a business sounds like a great idea… You open up with an idea only to find out that you’ve just scratched the surface of operating a business. Vickie Boughen found this out quickly when she opened a school and took on roles she’d never expected, a lot of them. On this episode of Serenity Now, the sisters break down the importance of building a business foundation, discuss how to get a real business education, lay out the best ways to set your business up for early success, and much more. Hear the panel humorously relate business to childbirth and […]