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Risk and Finance

Serenity Now For Entrepreneurs May 7, 2021

Serenity Now for Entrepreneurs is thankful to have Rita Kim from Partners for Growth as part of the team. As the founder and CEO of Partners for Growth, Rita is a Risk and Finance Specialist. Read on as she shares her thoughts and expertise an a topic that can be scary and overwhelming for any entrepreneur. "Risk and Finance is something that goes hand-in-hand. Period." After working with over 10,000 companies from start-up to international firms, across industries, we’ve created our own definition of finance. Regardless of whatever type of finance you are seeking: whether through your personal funds, investors [...]

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Harvard Business Review Essay: The No Asshole Rule

Serenity Now For Entrepreneurs April 9, 2021

Normally none of our panelists use profanity in our podcast but when our panelist, Peggy Aulenback brought up an essay she had read in the Harvard Business Review entitled “The No Asshole Rule” – we were all quite intrigued. The essay was written by a Stanford professor, Robert I Sutton. The topic of the essay was so popular that it was followed by a book entitled: The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn't. The theme of the essay and book are that bullying behavior in the workplace worsens morale and productivity. A rule is [...]

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Selling your products to the Government of Canada
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Selling your products to the Government of Canada

Serenity Now For Entrepreneurs March 23, 2021

Have you ever wondered about selling your product to the Government of  Canada? Have you been overwhelmed when trying to learn about this process? You are not alone! Many businesses have found it difficult to navigate through the process of Government procurement. This is why our finance specialist, Rita Kim invited Tess Menges of OSME (Office of Small and Medium Sized Businesses)to our podcast. OSME is an incredibly valuable resource that should be utilized by an business interested in selling their products or services to Government. Join us we learn firsthand from Tess how OSME is dedicated to helping small [...]

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Helping Business Owners Find Serenity In Entrepreneurship

Serenity Now For Entrepreneurs March 6, 2021

Business owners need more than what was learned from traditional business school, classes, seminars and from the ‘school of hard knocks’. There is a crucial need for entrepreneurs, especially now, to connect with other entrepreneurs. Our podcast panel consists of  leaders from all facets of business who discuss business challenges, stories, experiences, pitfalls and successes. Our goal is for listeners to access the experience of multiple professionals all at once while we discuss present day challenges, stories and possible solutions. We are interactive in our approach as we feature business owners on our podcast. For entrepreneurs that are shy or […]

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Growing your Business Part 2

Serenity Now For Entrepreneurs March 2, 2021

Join us as we check back in with Claire and Katie of Friendly Composting!   What changed after their first podcast with our panel? What was learned? Did they implement any changes to their business? What’s next for their company and what questions do they have for our panel now? Tune in as talk about a pricing increase, the tax and legal ramifications about hiring contractors versus employees, how to manage website design and much more! While the path to the success is not always linear, we believe these two young entrepreneurs are well on their way! Resources: Employee vs [...]

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How Building your Business is like Building a House

Serenity Now For Entrepreneurs February 23, 2021

  Building a business is not an easy task and reading books about building a business can sometimes be overwhelming and a little boring as well! The Serenity Now for Entrepreneurs team is made up of six entrepreneurs with over 10 decades of business experience.  Our podcast panel includes an accountant , a lawyer,  two grant specialists (tax credits and government grants), risk and finance consultant, and a marketing expert. We as a group have started multiple businesses and have also worked in consulting roles, increasing our exposure to not just problems we have experienced first-hand as owners, but also [...]

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Getting Down to Business Part 2

Serenity Now For Entrepreneurs February 16, 2021

This is part 2 of "Getting Down to Business". We continue the conversation with Tyler McLoughin, the owner of Vancouver Island-based printing shop, Better Print Victoria. We ended our last podcast with one heck of a loaded question from Tyler. To summarize, Tyler was interested in some of the advice our panelists were offering in terms of removing services that were not as profitable as others. Tyler’s concern was that many of his larger clients used his company because his print shop offered every item they wanted. He questioned whether removing some services would cause him to lose almost half [...]

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Getting Down to Business

Serenity Now For Entrepreneurs February 16, 2021

This podcast is aptly named as our panel speaks to the owner of a Vancouver Island-based printing shop, Better Print Victoria. Tyler McLoughlin, owner of Better Print Victoria, discusses his business’ growth over the last eight years, and the challenges associated with expanding his workforce in order to accommodate the demand for his full-service printing company.    In this episode, our panel of seasoned professionals weigh the costs and benefits associated with bringing on additional hires, and being aware of when to take that next step in your business’ growth cycle. We debate the merits of hiring a junior over [...]

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our story
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The Story of Serenity Now for Entrepreneurs

Serenity Now For Entrepreneurs February 9, 2021

  This podcasts tells our story! Along with the overwhelming positive feedback we have been getting to our podcast, our guests, partners and sponsors have asked us about our story of how we came together as a group. Some of the questions we address in this podcast are: How did Serenity Now for Entrepreneurs start? Why does Serenity Now for Entrepreneurs exist? Why did we put this podcast together? How did we come up with the name of our podcast? What does Serenity mean to us? Listen in as we tell our story and speak about what “Serenity” means to [...]

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Secure Your Online Property

Serenity Now For Entrepreneurs January 9, 2021

Serenity Now for Entrepreneurs is thankful to have Nina Corrie from Business Assist Canada as part of the team. As the owner of a marketing and website agency, Nina shares her knowledge with regards to online property and security. Read on as she shares her thoughts and expertise. Would you buy a property and not keep a record of the address or keep a key?  Not one of us would ever do this with our property whether it be a house, condo, car etc. Would you not keep a key to your property? Would you give complete control over a [...]

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